by Linda Lucas
I was reading a news update from Lifeline Christian Mission this morning and they were reporting on the Christians who meet in a humble home two thirds of the way up an active volcano mountain in El Salvador. One hundred percent of their members are currently suffering a failed coffee crop brought on by a terrible disease that destroyed 88% of the crop. Yet, you would never know it from the great sound of singing, warm greetings, hugs and praise that was rising from the humble church declaring “God is good, all the time; all the time God is good!” over and over in over in Spanish.
How refreshing and pure is the testimony of the meek and poor in spirit. These who reflect the character of their Farther are truly blessed. As Jesus teaches the beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5:1-12, we can take note that these are not character qualities to choose from but attitudes to have if we are to truly reflect our Father’s heart. We must integrate this into our lives as our brothers and sisters in El Salvador have, if we are to effectively share the joy of what it is to be authentically happy in the Lord.
Do we REALLY BELIEVE that God is good all the time?
Do we REALLY BELIEVE that Christ is both Lord and Judge?
Do we REALLY KNOW what it is to be authentically happy in the Lord?
Do we REALLY UNDERSTAND that we have been blessed so that we in can in turn bless others?
Do we REALLY BELIEVE that the Church is commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations?
Do we REALLY REFLECT in our actions and worship a reality – that we GENUINELY BELIEVE our declarations to be TRUE…..